On the 3nd of November 2007 Pardes House School very kindly handed over their premises to Head Teacher, Gary Tucker so that exhibitions could be set up at the school. They also displayed signs round the school saying “Pardes House School welcomes Old Finchleians”. We had free access to wander round both buildings and see the changes that had been made since 1991.
The hall in the “new building” was the site for the exhibition of both CCF history and the Stockdale Trust, and was the biggest display that either body had ever mounted. Thanks are due to Steve Goldsmith, Maggie Airey, Claire Barnett and Praxa Gohil for the school display, and Brian Fuller(CCF 1951-58), Mick Crick(CCF 1960 – 66) and John Cliff(CCF 1967 – 75) for the Trust display
The day was well attended and there was a constant stream of visitors and a lot of acquaintances being renewed.
The chances of repeating this event are slim and will get slimmer with the passage of time so the thanks of all O Fs are due to Gary Tucker for managing to arrange this last chance to look round our “Old School”.