The 3rd June 2016 saw 31 Centarians and their ladies & guests dining at Southover.
It was once again disappointing to find no serving cadets or junior staff members at the dinner but the select group enjoyed a fine meal in good company. The top table was notable for featuring no less than 5 current, former (or soon to be inaugurated) presidents of the Old Finchlieans club.
News from our members and from the unit was delivered by Mick Crick and Headteacher Samson Olusanya provided a witty update on activity at the school
Halls Catering once again provided our first class meal served with their usual effortless and understated efficiency.
Thanks to Mick Crick for his assistance with menu cards, John Bowra and Mick Wiffen for the drinks arrangements and bar and to Geoff at Halls for the catering.